Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Best Job In The World!

There's one for every person. And that's a really good thing. Unfortunately not everyone has found the Best Job for them. One that they really love to do. One that just doesn't feel like work! The saying goes, "Find a job you love to do and you'll never work a day in your life!" That's because if you love doing it, it isn't's a pleasure!

Fortunately for me, I found what I love to do very early in life...Unfortunately I wasn't brave enough to try it as a career until a good deal later. The good news for me is that I finally got the nerve to plunge in full time, forsaking the "regular job" in 1993.

I LOVE creating art! And I love photography! And I love people! So for me, creating artistic portraits of people is absolutely the Best Job In The World!

A fine family portrait is a true family Art Treasure. To me, the value of a fine family portrait just can't even be estimated! In my case, there are NO portraits of my family from when I was growing up. I have no photograph at all of my parents and my siblings together. Not even a snapshot! As a result, I really feel the absence, and really appreciate the value of having a fine family portrait.

That is a major reason why, for the last 15 years I have dedicated myself to creating the very finest family portraits that money can buy.